As the global COVID-19 public health emergency continues to spread and create challenges for families and businesses worldwide, Analgesic Services, Inc. extends our thoughts and prayers to all of those affected.
While our principal concern is with the impact on our collective human health, we continue to focus our resources to ensure we remain open and available to serve our clients as always.
As inspections are typically a disruption for your busy office and in anticipation of a surge of business for us all once we regain the luxury of being out and about, we are offering our clients the ability to get their inspections out of the way during this period. Many clients have already booked a time with us and we are doing our best to accommodate all schedules.
Feel free to give us a call at 888-928-1068 to schedule your inspection time. Also, please contact us with any questions or concerns as we all navigate these uncertain times.
Stay well,
Your Medical Gas Team at ASI
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